Find the best pricing option for your need
Create and send personalized emails that resonate with prospects. Connect with potential customers, nurture leads, and close deals faster and more efficiently.
Starter Plan


Save up to 20%
Start free trial
Up to 5,000 emails per month
Access to basic email templates
Basic personalization
Basic analytics
Email support within 24 hours
Basic A/B testing for subject lines
Responsive email design
Basic contact management tools
Learn more
Business Plan


Save up to 20%
Start free trial
Up to 50,000 emails per month
Full access to premium templates
Complete personalization
Advanced analytics with real-time
Integration with multiple CRMs
Dedicated account manager
Comprehensive A/B testing
Advanced mobile design tools
Learn more

The result speak for themselves,
so do our customers

ZapMail has transformed the way we reach out to potential clients. The platform’s seamless automation and powerful targeting features have significantly improved our response rates. It's like having a dedicated sales team working around the clock—effortless, efficient, and highly effective!
Linda Szeczhy
LifeUp Inc
As a small business owner, I needed a reliable solution to expand my outreach without spending hours crafting emails. ZapMail made it incredibly easy to create, send, and track cold emails. The results have been phenomenal, helping us connect with new leads and grow our business faster than ever!
Anthony Smith
Armor Group
Frequently asked questions
What is a cold email, and how does Zapmail help?
Is it legal to send cold emails using Zapmail?
How can I measure the success of my cold email campaigns on Zapmail?
How does Zapmail ensure my emails don’t end up in the spam folder?
Can I integrate Zapmail with other tools I’m already using?

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